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College Station, TX

Texas A&M University College Station - - What To Do And See



There are plenty of sights to see and attractions to visit, while staying in College Station! To get an idea about what to visit first, when you arrive in the city, check out the attractions listeed below, considered being among the most visited and popular of all College Station's attractions.


Texas A&M's Benz Gallery of Floral Art, one of the largest horticulture departments in the nation, featuring a fine art collection which includes sculpture and bronze vessels that represent the period from the birth of Christ through the present, pictorial art that portrays the Renaissance period through the Modernists, with emphasis on Oriental block prints and Western wildlife, ceramic containers which range from the earliest Aztec period to the most contemporary, displaying many techniques and types of glazes, among many other delightful and eye-catching surprises.


George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, which reveals the unique influences and challenges which shaped George Herbert Walker Bush's life and presidency through artifacts, films, photographs, documents, music and interactive video, offering visitors a museum experience that is both educational and entertaining.


Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History, featuring exhibits of fossils, sculptures, antique farming and survey equipment, a discovery room with more than fifteen varieties of live animals, an active glass-front beehive, dozens of taxidermy mounts, educational resources and several other exhibits.


Children's Museum of the Brazos Valley, a place where children can learn, about themselves and the world that surrounds them, through hands-on, interactive and educational activities.


Santa's Wonderland, a definitely ''must'' for every College Station visitor, a Texas Christmas village, a place where the whole family can have fun and enjoy a fabulous day in the Christmas Spirit. Visitors can enjoy here hayride tours, horse & carriage rides, millions of dazzling Christmas lights, delicious food, unique shops and live music around a cozy campfire. Santa's Wonderland is open every year, from the middle of November through the end of December, and can be found at 18898 Highways 6 South College Station.



There are dozens of fun, exciting and entertaining events, happening throughout the year, in College Station, among the ones which are considered the most expected and popular, being: the Northgate Music Festival, the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show and the Epicurean Extravaganza.


Among the top places to shop in College Station, TX, there are:


Post Oak Mall: 1500 Harvey Road, College Station, TX.

Finish Line: 1500 Harvey Road, College Station, TX.

Dillard's: 1504 Harvey Road, College Station, TX.

Payless Shoe Source: 1500 Harvey Road, College Station, TX.

Sears: 1502 Harvey Rd, College Station, TX.

Rock Prairie Crossing: 3501 Longmire Drive, College Station, TX.

Central Station: 1505 Texas Avenue South, College Station, TX.

Weiner's Stores: 1661 Texas Ave, College Station, TX.

Tejas Shopping Center: 3125 South Texas Avenue, College Station, TX.

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