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Fresno, CA
A few of the most popular affordable restaurants in Fresno, California are listed below. Check it out!
Address: 6745 North Palm Avenue.
Cuisine: Mediterranean.
Average cost: between $10 and $15.
Menu: appetizers, salads, soups, vegetarian dishes, sandwiches and desserts.
Description: Popular, moderate-priced restaurant.
Address: 5793 North Palm Avenue.
Cuisine: Italian.
Average cost: between $8 and $12.
Menu: appetizers, salads, pasta dishes, grilled meats, fish, desserts.
Description: Family-owned restaurant, serving the Fresno locals since 1991.
Address: 3744 North Blackstone Avenue.
Cuisine: Diverse.
Average cost: $10.
Menu: fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, baked fish and chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, soups, French fries, rice and gravy.
Description: Casual restaurant serving delicious food at affordable prices.
Address: 725 East Olive Avenue.
Cuisine: Mexican.
Average cost: $8.
Menu: appetizers, salads, soups, tostadas, burritos, quesadillas, tacos, Mexican grills, seafood, desserts.
Description: 15 year-old restaurant, serving delicious food.
Address: 3050 West Shaw Avenue.
Cuisine: Indian.
Average cost: $8.
Menu: traditional Indian food, including rice, naan, soups, chicken tokki massala, raita, desserts.
Description: Affordable restaurant.
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